Find and Submit your tasks here!

Fill your Registration Number to find your tasks.

Note: If your tasks are not listed here, please fill the recruitment form or Write us in Technical and helpdesk group



Q1: Till when we have to submit the tasks
The deadline to complete the tasks is 12th November
Q2: Is it necessary to complete all the tasks
No! Atleast one from the mentioned task is to be completed. No need to complete all the tasks
Q3: My selected domain is not there after putting my Registration Number what should I do?
No worries you can inform us and till then U can find the tasks by entering RA1111111111111 as registration number to get all the tasks and complete it according to your domain of interest
Q4: I have applied for a domain but now feel I can be good in other domain too , can I switch it
Absolutely! Use RA11111111111111 to get the task of the domain and submit it after completion, do let us know in advance and join the whatsapp groups too!